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Dance costumes

Mainly hand-made dance costumes, mostly sewn by hand, adjustable in several sizes, created from practical experience as practical and versatile as possible.

Tribal belly dance. a merged belly dance, which differs from the conventional in the choice of music, costume, accessories and dance elements. Developed from alternative underground scenes that are open to other cultures and dance to merged electronic music (Asian Dub, World Music, Fusion Drum'n Bass etc.). The bohemian vagabond lifestyle is carried over to the entire outfit, which consists of many accessories from east-oriental, Indian, Indian and African, rather antique-looking, and hand-embroidered jewelry. Initially, the costumes were made in-house, as their own taste differed greatly from the traditional range. Now I offer my three variants, which were designed as a set of 3; they are all three in line with each other. You can adjust their sizes individually.


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